In the video series #AsIAm, created by L’Arche International, core members from L’Arche communities around the world share their stories and their voices.
In the most recent video in the series, L’Arche India remembers Bapi, a core member in their community who has passed away.
In Our Greatest Gift, Henri Nouwen writes, “When we listen deeply to Jesus’ words, we realize that we are called to live like him, to die like him, and to rise like him, because the Spirit–the divine love, which makes Jesus one with his Father–has been given to us. Not only the death of Jesus, but our death, too, is meant to bear fruit in other people’s lives. Not only the death of Jesus, but our death, too, will bring the Spirit of God to those we leave behind. The great mystery is that all people who have lived with and in the Spirit of God participate through their deaths in the sending of the Spirit.”
On this Wednesday of Lent, take a few minutes to watch this video and remember.