Make a Difference

Be part of a positive change in the world, in Chicago, and in someone’s life.

At L’Arche Chicago, we don’t believe anyone should live in the margins of society, and that everyone deserves a chance to live a vibrant and meaningful life. Our staff, board, and Assistants are committed to creating homes where persons with intellectual disabilities are not only cared for, but valued for exactly who they are.

When you make a gift to our mission, you’re making that life possible. No politics, no agenda; a gift that simply does a great deal of good. Your dollars support our communities by providing exceptional care, a roof overhead, meals to share, but above all, you’re giving the gift of a home where a family is formed.

L’Arche Chicago is a diligent steward of your gifts, providing annual financial reports and maintaining a certified Gold Transparency rating from We offer lots of ways to invest in a brighter world where each person’s unique gifts are celebrated, no matter your budget.

Create space for everyone: Give to L’Arche Chicago.

Support our Mission

Step 1: Make a Donation

Give the gift of meaningful community and connection to our Core Members.

Step 2: Join us in Person

Volunteer with us or attend one of our regular events–we’d love to get to know you!

Step 3: Spread the Joy

Inspire your followers to invest in a world where love is always within reach.

Make an Impact

See how a small amount can make a significant difference for our core members.

Your donation makes a difference

If L’Arche Chicago operated solely on government funding:

We would only have food for 288 days of the year.

We are only reimbursed for $2.28/meal for the adults with intellectual disabilities in our homes (this sum would make it almost impossible to provide nutritious, well-balanced meals).

We would only have live-in support professionals for 310 day of the year.

We pay $6,000 more per live-in support professional per year than we are reimbursed.

We would only operate our vehicles for 165 days of the year

Meaningful community integration and coordinated healthcare require dependable transportation. Our vehicle operation expenses for three homes are $18,000/year but we are only reimbursed $8,125/year.

Equities & Planned Giving

Build a more nurturing society

Make a lasting impact in the lives of future generations of people with intellectual disabilities through legacy giving to L’Arche Chicago.

While ensuring that you retain adequate resources for you and your loved ones throughout your lifetime, legacy giving empowers you to leave a more generous gift than you may have thought possible.

Legacy gifts can be made in many different forms: charitable bequests under a will, life insurance, or retirement plans. Each gift will ensure that L’Arche Chicago has the ability to continue to create a world that welcomes difference and celebrates the unique gifts of all people, in which each person has a genuine place of belonging.

1. Bequests Under a Will

By working with your attorney or financial planner, or by simply adapting the following language, you can make several different types of bequests:


A simple and straightforward way to donate a specific dollar amount or percentage:

“I give, devise, and bequeath to L’Arche Chicago $ ___ dollars (or ___ %) to be used for its general purposes.”


Add a contingency to a general bequest for added direction:

“In the event that _____ predeceases me, I give, devise, and bequeath his/her bequest or share to L’Arche Chicago to be used for its general purposes.”


Donate all or a portion of your estate after all debts, taxes, expenses have been paid:

“I give, devise, and bequeath to L’Arche Chicago ___ % percent of the residue of my estate to be used for its general purposes.”

2. Life Insurance

Life insurance gifts can include whole life, universal, and other forms of life insurance policies. You can contribute all or part of a policy to L’Arche Chicago when you are named as a beneficiary while retaining ownership of the policy and having access to the policy’s cash value. Simply set up a time to speak with your insurance provider to designate L’Arche Chicago as the beneficiary.

3. Retirement Plans

Retirement plans are another easy way for you to make a gift to L’Arche Chicago that also maximizes tax savings. Through the retirement plan provider, a donor can designate L’Arche Chicago as a full or partial beneficiary with the ability to name a specific amount or percentage.

Gifts of Stocks & Equities

Make a lasting impact through tax-efficient donating

Take to this information sheet your financial advisor to make a donation via stock and equity wire transfer.

L’Arche Chicago is equipped to handle donations of equities. Through donation of stock(s) to L’Arche Chicago, you are able to avoid the taxation of the appreciation of the equities.

Your gift of stocks and equities to L’Arche Chicago will have a measurable impact on our community of adults with and without intellectual disabilities who live together and share friendship in a community strengthened by faith.

Questions about planned giving or the donation of stocks or equities?

Contact us at (708) 660-1600

Set Up YourMonthly Gift

Set-up your recurring monthly donation today, and ensure that the adults with intellectual disabilities in L’Arche Chicago can live full and meaningful lives!

Donate Monthly