We’re gearing up for our Valentine’s Day Solidarity Brunch on Sunday, February 11th! Held at Concordia University from 11:30am-1pm, we are excited to announce our silent auction items for the event.
**Solidarity Auction Item #1**: BBQ on the Deck at Peace House – Peace House would love to host a BBQ dinner for you!
**Solidarity Auction Item #2**: Basket of Homemade Muffins – Enjoy delicious muffins prepared by Angel House, warm and ready for you.
**Solidarity Auction Item #3**: Picnic in the Park with Noah and Mike! – Join these two dapper gents for a meal in the park near Peace House.
**Solidarity Auction Item #4**: Guitar (or Portuguese) Lessons with Pedro – Come to Friendship House and have agGuitar lesson with Pedro. Maybe stay around for dinner after as well!
**Solidarity Auction Item #5:** Help in your garden! – Once the weather is nice and it is time to get your garden in tip-top shape, Anders is ready to help! (Just look in the backyard of Angel House to see what good work he does!)
**Solidarity Auction Item #6:** Commissioned Comic by Mike Marino – Mike, a professional artist at the Arts of Life, will complete a comic book of your commissioning!
**Solidarity Auction Item #7:** Commissioned Painting by Christianne – Christianne, a professional artist at the Arts of Life, will complete a painting of your commissioning!
**Solidarity Auction Item #8:** Dinner, Dessert, and Pool Game Night at Friendship House – Enjoy dinner and dessert with Friendship House before playing (and likely losing) a game of pool! And you get to meet their new pup, Allie.
**Solidarity Auction Item #9**: Canvas Painting by Tim – Tim, a professional artist at Arts of Life, offers one of his beautiful paintings.
**Solidarity Auction Item # 10**: Jean’s World Famous Desserts – Enjoy one of Jean’s delicious homemade desserts!
**Solidarity Auction Item #11:** Music lessons with our neighbor John, a professional music teacher!
Can’t wait to spend the afternoon with you on Sunday!