Meet Casey
Casey grew up with his family in Des Plaines, Illinois. He is the youngest of 4, having 2 sisters and 1 brother. Casey just recently celebrated his 3rd anniversary of living in L’Arche Chicago.
Around L’Arche, Casey is known as being the life of the party. His roommate Anoscha says, “Where Casey goes the party goes.” And it’s true, in his time at L’Arche Casey has thrown many parties. His current favorite was a recent Halloween party where he dressed up as Batman.
Throughout his week Casey participates in the Opportunity Knocks day program and is an artist at Arts of Life. You can check out Casey’s artwork on his instagarm account! In his free time he enjoys dance parties, bowling and basketball. When I asked his roommate John what he enjoyed about living with Casey he commented on how Casey was a great bowler and was always dressed with so much style!
Casey brings so much humor and style to Peace House and the entire L’Arche community.
Meet Christianne
A Chicago native, Christianne joined our L’Arche Chicago community in 2001. She moved in, and has been apart of Angel House ever since. In 1999 Christianne graduated from the National Louis University’s Professional Assistant Center for Education Certificate Program. Christianne spends her days working as an artist at Arts of Life and also working as the Development Associate in the office. If you spend much time in any of our homes or office you’ll likely find Christianne’s artwork hung on the walls. Additionally if you’ve ever made a donation to L’Arche Chicago, you’ve probably at one time or another received a personalized thank you note from Christianne which features her own artwork.
Meghan, who shares life at Angel House regularly shared that they appreciate how well Christianne can read a room and know what people are feeling. Meghan appreciates how Christianne will check in on her friends and make sure they okay and noted how generous she is.
David, Christianne’s housemate, also appreciates her generosity and how she shares her art with him. He remembers the 2 mandala drawings that she gave him. One when he first moved in and the second on his anniversary. David always appreciates Christianne’s high-fives of encouragement.
Christianne is an advocate and networker, quick to schedule lunch dates and always sharing her business card with anyone she meets. Christianne cares deeply about ensuring that people with disabilites are treated in the right way.