L’Arche Chicago is incredibly proud of Stephan, one of our new core members, for recently being named the West Suburban Special Recreation Association’s Male Athlete of the Year. This award comes as no surprise—Stephan is always active, whether he’s swimming, playing basketball, participating in track and field, or bowling. The L’Arche community has loved coming together to cheer him on during his games. It was especially memorable when Stephan played in a playoff game against Casey, another core member. The game sparked a friendly rivalry between Peace House and Angel House.
Of course, Stephan is known for much more than his athletic talents here at L’Arche. Core members and assistants alike appreciate his smiles and jokes. A room always feels brighter when Stephan is around. In his free time, he enjoys video games and his new VR headset. With his outgoing personality and playful spirit, Stephan has played a key role in helping other new core members feel at home at L’Arche.
Congratulations to Stephan on receiving the WSSRA Male Athlete of the Year award! However, our community feels like the true winners for having Stephan as a new MVP here at L’Arche Chicago.